A generous gift to the University from Ms. Dolores Eyler in 2010 established the Dolores Eyler Fund, which supports Communication students who encounter significant expenses due to unexpected and difficult circumstances. Realizing that such moments can cause great hardship for students and interfere with their studies and progress at the UW, this Fund provides unconditional grants — funds that do not need to be repaid — for students to help them through challenging situations.

Students can apply for up to $1,000 once per calendar year to cover expenses that are unexpected. Because such expenses can take infinite form, we cannot offer a comprehensive definition of what qualifies for grants. However, some circumstances that might prompt someone to apply for a grant from the Dolores Eyler Fund include:

  • health care costs
  • car repairs
  • travel for family emergencies
  • work disruption
  • stolen goods

To apply for funds, students are asked to fill out a Funding Request at https://uwcomadmin.wufoo.com/forms/com-dept-funding-request-form/. In the form, students will need to provide a one-page explanation of their request and a means for documenting the expenses (ex: a bill or invoice or receipt; official letter or notice; police report; or names and contact information for specific individuals). If student is unable to upload documentation, please email it to comadv@uw.edu. Once submitted, the request will be reviewed and students will be notified within 72 hours whether their request will be funded— either in full or in part.

To support this fund, use the UW Donation portal below: